Saturday, July 4, 2015

The is.

It is a holiday that brings good times of celebrating and eating hot dogs.  The historical day does seem to be lost now and our present state of the union seems very unstable.  The checks and balances of our governing body has fallen apart. Our repealing of taxation without representation is worthless as it has raised its head behind closed doors the past few years.  Presidents who abuse the office and know that anything they say  must be right and best for the majority, throws out all representative government. It again tramples the feeling of independence and a free country. Judges declaring a philosophy and not following laws made by the founding fathers and our representative government  becomes dictatorial and socialist behavior and not constitutional.  Lies with symbolic convictions don't mean much replacing honest substance. Socialism always works very well until the money runs out.  As Greece citizens about that. Our flag symbolizes a lot of good things and a lot of bad things.  Either way it does identify a country that has many good people who are out there who keep trying to do the right thing in spite of those who are the powers in charge.

As a holiday, it is time to break from everyday routine.  It is a good excuse for families to get together and parties, picnics and eating pie are good bonding events.  I hope everyone has a restful weekend and do stay safe.


Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful photo, Larry. Wishing you both a nice July 4th. As I watch the news, I am saddened by the state of our country.

We will be having hot dogs later and I bought a pie at the deli that was to be apple, but it is peach!!! lol

Patsy said...

You are right and it need to be said, thank you.

Jeevan said...

Happy Independence Day! I think every country has been governing with great difference in thoughts between rules and citizens.
Enjoy the day. A break is essential for everyone... just chillax

L. D. said...

Having read many different bloggers viewpoints out there for this day I am very disappointed and sad. I am certain that this post will offend many and we don't have an end goal in life on the same plane of existence. I have no intention to persuade anyone to live any differently but people who live their lives in resistance of right and wrong are never going to get it.

Far Side of Fifty said...

We are just as discouraged as you are...most days we say "What in the world is this country coming to?" It is not good. I don't know what we can do other that to keep praying and let God sort it all out.
Some of the stuff I read this week just turned my stomach...that those who sexually abuse children want to have rights too...I was sickened:(

Basket Full….

 My wife is in a health center, nursing home, and she was having a bad day. In walks an aid with these kittens. My wife loves cats and dogs ...