Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Staying Alive..........

I let most of my hardy geraniums die off this fall.  I did save this one and it is putting out a little bet of color for March.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful and delicate blooms.

Betsy Brock said...

Beautiful! My white one is doing very well inside this winter, too!

Valerie said...

Beautiful. This shot is definitely a winner.

Jeevan said...

Lovely capture and glad u decided to preserve the plant!

Dianna said...

I love geraniums and do great with them while they are outside, but I do not have very good results in holding them over winter. This one of yours looks so beautiful.

And your grandsons are adorable!

Spring View....

 I took the shot of the birdhouse on the pole but I got a picture of a tree instead. When the leaves form we never see the birdhouse.