Monday, November 20, 2017

B & W.......

I see the trend on Facebook is challenging one another to take black and white photos. Everyone just converts a color shot to b and w.  I thought the effect of this one really does create an eerie new world. It is a little warmer day today and I took a walk out to see what is left to do out there. I can see that the leaves will really mow up easily and that can be done later next week after they have truly dried out. The real Canada geese are all around us flying from corn field to cornfield. They also like soybeans and do try to glean anything that is left over on the ground.


Christine said...

I like your geese! Soon you will have all the leaves gathered as there can't be many left on the trees!

Anonymous said...

It's a pretty shot! There are only 5 or 6 homes beyond ours on this dead end street. The leaves that have fallen on the street mostly just stay there. I notice that everyone just drives down the center line because you really can't see where is due to the leaves.

Karen said...

I will have to do some black and white photos. This one is nice.


 The mourning dove likes to find places to sit. They can sit in one position for many minutes without moving. Here the bird had eaten and ju...