Sunday, November 19, 2017

Kitchen Clutter.....

We moved away from an old home that had a large built-in buffet that held all our collectibles. A lot of our old things are very old and other things are really not so valuable.  As we move into a new home we are caught overloaded with things that we can't store inside of a cupboard. I am now on my third clutter filled display of things above the kitchen cupboards. The ceiling is a vaulted ceiling so there is  a lot of blank space above our cupboards.  They look ok, but the creator of these displays ,me, am already a little bothered by all of it.  By spring I can see that we will revisit this displaying of things.


Anonymous said...

We have a similar set up on top of our kit. cabinets and I am forever changing things around!

troutbirder said...

Artistically intriguing indeed. Though we of German ancestry have no place for "clutter". Achtung! Sie vill be kaput....:)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, they do not look cluttered. I think they are nice.


 The purity of the color makes them have their own subtle beauty. Can you spot the fourt flower that is about to pop up.