Friday, November 17, 2017

One Photo Today.....

So I have been getting confused. I am older so I need a keeper.  I shared one photo on this blog yesterday and then continued to do my Creative  Zone post on the end of it.  The one photo a day blog was filled with many photos and lots of words. Today I will stick with this just one photo.  I have been rearranging the art gallery display, already, and hung the blue painting above the arrangement on the bookshelf.  I thought it made a good still-life arrangement.  The wood top of the bookcase looks like it has a haze on it but that was dusted before I took the shot.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the wonderful animals and pretty wooden balls. I think those balls are used in some kind of game, but cannot remember the name.

The Furry Gnome said...

Intresting photo. Welcome to the world of the not-yet-elderly, but still confused!

Chipmunk Frenzy....

 He is busy filling his jowls with cracked corn. I know there are other seeds there that he likes but I have never really seen one pick up c...