Monday, September 6, 2010

Monarch Migration......

On their way to Mexico

I have written about it numerous times but I couldn't prove it until today.  We came home from church  and besides all of the butterflies that we had seen on the road as we drove home we found them all over our apple trees.  I think probably some years we just don't notice and so they quietly come by, rest and move on without our noticing them.

This year they were very prominent in color in large groups in the trees. We had to bundle up to protect oneself from mosquitoes to get any shots. I am glad we both took the shots when we did as a rain and wind came up about an hour later.  I could see them hanging tough but they moved to the south side of the bushes and trees. I was about ready to throw my point and shoot into the pond, but I did get ten percent of them to look great.  My wife's camera got some good shots as she can zoom in with her camera.

They didn't hit my coneflowers or the flowering sedum plants.  They just landed and rested peacefully.  When a new butterfly would land among a group of them all of them would open their wings all at the same time then close them back up again.  I could not get that photo but I sure tried.


Veronica said...

Absolutely beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

What a magnificent sight that must have been! Thanks to you and your wife for sharing what must have been a magical moment! Happy Labor Day.

Lo said...

Love Monarchs. Thanks for the great shots.

Alan Burnett said...

You capture them perfectly Larry. With the light shining through their wings they are almost like a stained glass window.

Valerie said...

What a brilliant capture. I would have been very excited to see so many monarchs in one go.

Gigi Ann said...

What a great surprise, and so glad you got the pictures. Awesome.

jennyfreckles said...

What an amazing sight - I only recently heard about this butterfly migration and it blew my mind!

Sunny said...

Wow! What a wondrous sight to behold!
Beautiful pictures :)
☼ Sunny

D said...

Larry, spectacular photos!!! wow, what a capture. I have never seen anything like it. And now look at that magnificent header photo.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I have heard about this is lucky are you anyway! I am glad you shared with your readers!! :)

Stuck in a Cubicle.....