Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Monday......

Mondays are hard on a body when you are going back to the job.  We are expecting storms by Friday and that will mean more moisture in the ground.  I am willing to feed the birds and tolerate snow storms  if it means this spring we will have good submoisture and a good growing season this year..


George said...

I hope there will be no drought this year in your part of the country. You got a great portrait of Mr. Cardinal.

troutbirder said...

Ah the beautiful cardinal. I do hope your optimism about moisture (we remain very very dry and cold - the line to septic tank froze solid) come true....

claude said...

Since last October we have had a lot of rain. On the beginning of this week, it is cold in the mornings but sunny in the afternoon. I hope springtime is just around the corner.
The Cardinal is a very beautiful bird.

Valerie said...

Is that a cardinal?

I'm praying for a decent summer. Last year everywhere was waterlogged all through the year.

A Beauty….

A new bloom that was bought two years ago. It takes a while for them to establish. The company is in Oregon and our climate does allow them ...