Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Monday......

Mondays are hard on a body when you are going back to the job.  We are expecting storms by Friday and that will mean more moisture in the ground.  I am willing to feed the birds and tolerate snow storms  if it means this spring we will have good submoisture and a good growing season this year..


George said...

I hope there will be no drought this year in your part of the country. You got a great portrait of Mr. Cardinal.

troutbirder said...

Ah the beautiful cardinal. I do hope your optimism about moisture (we remain very very dry and cold - the line to septic tank froze solid) come true....

claude said...

Since last October we have had a lot of rain. On the beginning of this week, it is cold in the mornings but sunny in the afternoon. I hope springtime is just around the corner.
The Cardinal is a very beautiful bird.

Valerie said...

Is that a cardinal?

I'm praying for a decent summer. Last year everywhere was waterlogged all through the year.


 The hardy geranium doesn't look so hardy right now. It does love the downstairs spare bedroom window and leans towards the light happil...