Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Behind the Foreground......

If the neighbors would move their house and a few of us would cut down some trees, I could share a wonderful sunset.  It was about 80 degrees F. at the time and the temps were dropping fast after this.  I went out an hour later and we were in the upper 60's. It did drop to 31.4 degrees F. by morning.  The wind was very strong.


Hilary said...

The trees and house solution would help.. but so would a walk. ;) Lovely glow.

claude said...

I have the same problem when I want shot some beautiful sunsets with the neighbor's poplar trees.
No problem for the sunrises.
Have a good day !

Valerie said...

We have inconsiderate neighbours too... grins.

A Colorful World said...

Yep, it's hard to work around those houses sometimes to get the shot you want! :-) By the way, little AJ is so adorable...his sweet photo on the sidebar is adorable!


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