Thursday, March 15, 2018

What is Wrong with this Photo......

You just can’t click fast enough because you might lose your subject in the photo.  This one shows that I was zoomed in for a bird and obviously I missed it.  I have always liked squirrels. We had four or five of them at the old place until the city decided to take down three of our trees. I like their acrobatic acts and it is sort of like having a tamed animal in the yard.  Someone did ruin it for me the other day suggesting that they are from the rodent family. I don’t like rodents of any kind. The neighbor girl would take her pet white rat when she went trick or treating.  Back to this squirrel, I keep taking photos because he keeps trying to fall.

My wife saw him this morning fall from a good position on the feeder to one of hanging by his back feet on the bottom ledge.  He did make a recovery though and ended up getting a mouth full of seed and just sit on the roof safely.


Anonymous said...

Squirrels are entertaining! They jump from tall tree to another behind our house. Sometimes they do fall, but they recover. The cats and Theo enjoy them too.

Christine said...

I think squirrels are way to cute and entertaining to be considered as nuisance rodents!

Dianna said...

Squirrels are so much fun to watch! We don't have many around here though.

Karen said...

He must be part monkey! My family always accused me of cutting off their heads in family photos (before digital cameras) lol

claude said...

I love the firt one.
Have a nice week-end, Larry !

Caroline Gill said...

Thank you, Larry, for your kind comment on my spring post. Well, we are now expecting snow! A case of don't count your chickens... I think! What a lovely squirrel: we have them, too, though only the grey ones. They are such fun to watch though they do love to gnaw through our coconut string and carry the bird's dinner away with them over the fence!

Snow Falling Today.....