Saturday, August 29, 2009

Informal Balance.....

Sometimes the design quality is most important. I like the abstract design this photo has with it's strong contrasting colors. I have never regretted painting that door blue. This is the second year for that coneflower, so next year it should be bigger and s stronger. The background linear stem is a leftover from my Grandma's regal lily. I don't understand the reflection on the door but maybe I did take this in the morning and it is the sun.
Color and texture balance each other. The formal shape of a bright flower really looks good against the textural free form of foliage of bachelor button plants.


claude said...

I like very munch the blend of colors of the first photo.
Red and green is nice too and the last flower is pretty.

Valerie said...

The first picture appears to me very much. Painting the door blue was an inspiration, at least it was if the flowers were already in existence.

Sunny said...

I love the pink against the blue door, so pretty. The flowers look almost three dimensional. The flower in the second picture just pops right out! Lovely.
Sunny :)

Vivian aka Deborah said...

Nice the colors in the top pic and bounce of light off the door. pssst, did you mean you didn't regret painting the door "blue" ( typo...bull? )

L. D. said...

Yep, I was tired and trying to get the last of these up scheduled so it would seem like I wasn't gone, but I was. Regretting to painted a bull just doesn't make sense, huh. We are back and are very tired.

Vivian aka Deborah said...

; )

The Retired One said...

I love that blue gate still! It did make a great background contrasting color with the coneflower! Nice shots!
