Saturday, September 19, 2009

Photos a day.....Bees and wasp.....

It would be easier to do the one photo a day, but all of these tell the story and I need you to see them all. I haven't seen honey bees most of the summer and they are all over this sedum plant. I also have a wasp in there that I hadn't noticed while shooting. I was amazed at how close I could get to the bees and they were just so hungry for the sugar in the plants they didn't bother me.
The bees are almost transparent against the pink sedum. That is the same wasp as in the other picture, he just moved to another plant.
As a photographer, I would say this was my best picture, but my lens power doesn't compare to a lot of you out there. I am just happy to see bees.....


claude said...

With my new camera I sould be able to shot a bee or a bubblebee very close with my super zoom, but those beasts give me a terrible fright.
Your last photo is very good.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Wow, looking at the larger version is something else. Those flowers are lovely and the bee almost transparent. I love seeing things up close, there is so much detail that we miss with our normal eye.


Alan Burnett said...

It is not the lens power it is the composition which, I think, always makes a winning picture. Yes, I like No. 3 best.

Gigi Ann said...

That is great news. We have been hearing so much news lately, that the honeybees are few and far between. It is so nice to see otherwise. I saw a few on my sunflowers last week also, but, not as plentiful as yours. There was one on the sunflowers in my little video last week.

I use a Kodak EasyShare C813 for all my pictures. LOL... It doesn't do a very good job if I get to close to a flower, it turns out blurred. I may upgrade to a better EasyShare some day. I just like the fun of taking pictures. I also like the fact that it has a video camera as well, so I take my little videos with it, which is fun also. Enough

OiseauBird said...

What astonish photo !!!
Very beautiful bees and lovely flower
I like your dogs, Barnabus et Button

Sunny said...

Great pictures especially the third one!
Sunny :)

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how close you got. You can get so interested in looking at the bee you almost forget to look at the beautiful flower behind it.

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

Larry.. that is a great shot.. I wish those little buggers would stay still for me!

You are right, my neighbors beef cattle are "famous".. if only they knew! I cant resist them when I am near with camera in hand!

The Retired One said...

These are great pix! It is so true that the bees are so drunk on the nectar that they don't bother you at all when you are taking their pictures.

Far Side of Fifty said...

That third photo is stunning.. although that wasp is awesome in the second photo..ugly guy isn't he! I would say you do pretty good with that new camera of yours..and I think your photos are are fighting the light less too..just my observations..:)

Basket Full….

 My wife is in a health center, nursing home, and she was having a bad day. In walks an aid with these kittens. My wife loves cats and dogs ...