Monday, February 28, 2011

Remembering when...............

This is an archived photo that some of my loyal followers will remember.  It was taken on a rainy day two summers ago in Maine at a restaurant off of Jordan Pond.  We sat at a window table and enjoyed hot pop overs and salad. It was our first year to visit Maine and it seemed grand and yet mysterious to be in a new state that is so far away from our home. 


Gigi Ann said...

Even if I saw the picture before, it is still as beautiful as the first time. I have been in a lazy kind of mood this winter, not visiting other blogs as often as I use to. I noticed today I have been missing out on a lot of lovely pictures. I will try to do better in the future.

Thanks for your visit to My Moody Blues blog. This time around on ABC Wednesday I decided to do the animals. There are so many I never heard of before and are on the endangered list, as the one I am featuring this week.

Have a nice week, I hope winter is about over for this year.

Anonymous said...

I have been following one year, so this is new to me and very pretty. Mama always wanted to visit Maine in Autumn. What a great photo Larry.

Hilary said...

New to be but oh so lovely. I've been to Jordan Pond .. it's such a lovely area. All of Acadian National Park is

Sunny said...

I remember that took it with a camera you bought at Walmart. How's that for having a good memory? Haha!
☼ Sunny

L. D. said...

Yes, my Nikkon coolpix and I used the macro on it to get the shot. Fortunately the macro worked automatically as I didn't know how to set it back then.

troutbirder said...

I relate to that feeling so much, Larry. And such a beautiful photograph to bring the recollection back. Finding these moment and places is why Barb and I have focused our retirement on travel to new distant places. :)

The Retired One said...

Great to see FLOWERS as we are still all white and cold here!!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Great memories are made with some photos, that camera was a great buy and your photography has improved so much! :)
