Tuesday, March 1, 2011


My orange cichlid keeps thriving while living in the tank in the basement.  He really reminds me of the movie, Finding Nemo, with the way he looks into your eyes. A student gave him to me five or more years ago and this guy just keeps on swimming.


Valerie said...

He's gorgeous. Such a lovely colour. You're right about the eyes, they do seem to look right at you.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

He's cute. Does he stay in your basement year round? Fish seem like such care free creatures, even though someone bigger can always come along and finish them off.

Enjoy ~ FlowerLady

L. D. said...

Durning the summer he gets to live outside in a pond with his goldfish and koi friends. He is a South American tropical who loves Iowa's weather in the summer.

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

He is lovely, I have some Bolivian rams in my tank here. I love Cichlids, they are such pretty fish.

Alan Burnett said...

You've done well to keep it alive this long. I've never managed to keep a fish alive beyond a month : eventually I decided that in the interests of the fish community I should stop trying.

Betsy Brock said...

Oh, he's a beauty! My aquarium has sat empty for over a year now. I was just thinking this week that I'm missing my fish! I need to get it filled and running again and go pick out some little friends!

The Retired One said...

Very nice shot of a handsome fish! loved it.

Stephanie said...

Lovely shot!
