Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Three Sliced Rocks.....

My dad's rock collection included rocks that he found on or in the ground.  It also included kinds of rocks that he would buy whole at a rock show and then would cut them into with his rock cutting saw.  I can still hear the sound of the saw blade screeching as it cut through stone.  The polishing process is the same as if you were to polish a metal, starting with a rough grade of sanding material and working down to a final polishing with a leather pad and rouge.


Linda said...

Amazing, Larry! Thank you so much for sharing this.

ScrappySandie said...

Beautiful rocks, Larry! I have one that I got in Mexico as a souvenir over 40 years ago...its called a geode. Keep taking the great photos! And TFS!

claude said...

Wow ! My hubby like this kind of rocks.

Valerie said...

Interesting. I often wondered how my 'rocks' got so shiny.

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful, Larry.
Wishing you and your wife a nice day. Hi to Barney and Button.

A Cold Moon.....