Thursday, September 25, 2014

Look Both Ways........

The neighbor's white cat keeps me in photos as she likes to visit out porch and property a lot.  There is food on the porch and she isn't hungry.  She is just hanging out just like the Maine coon cat does.  It would be nice that she would be a little more tame but it is good that she is brave to visit without people contact.


Anonymous said...

I've never owned a white cat. She is pretty. I bet Button and Barney don't appreciate her presence!

Patsy said...

Bennie feeds a wild rabbit that comes up to the back door when it wants to eat from it's bowl, it was born under the rosemary bush by the door and he started feeding it as a baby. He put out the bowl and later went back to see if the rabbit was still eating and there was a big cat looking in the door. No rabbit to be seen.

Betsy Brock said...

She looks so fun that she comes for visits!

Linda said...

She is beautiful, Larry, and I love the photos you took of her! I always love your posts and photos, thank you so much for sharing.

Jeevan said...

Wow! Very cute series on the pretty white cat... Glad she visited

A Colorful World said...

Cute shots...I wonder if she heard something from either direction.
