Friday, April 3, 2015


A new plant for our window is this cactus.  It isn't a Christmas cactus.  When it opens, it will show aster shaped flowers and not the traditional type of flower. I will share that for sure when it blooms.  I was told  by the worker that the plants just came in yesterday.  I am a little concerned if the guy who told me that also drowned them with a very large amount of water.  I know they need water but I don't think they don't need to be over watered.  I have no name on the label other than it is a cactus.


Linda said...

I don't know the name of it, but it is very pretty, Larry!

Betsy Brock said...

Look at all of those buds! It's going to be gorgeous when they bloom!

claude said...

Wow ! I am waiting for the flowers.
Happy Easter , Larry !

Morning Clouds….

 The sun won’t be blocked by these clouds. I had to lean way over the end of the deck to get the sun in the shot. As the earth keeps tilting...