Friday, September 11, 2015


A bluejay feather caught my eye laying on the ground in the alley.  I have never seen one where the blue colors and markings on only on one half of the feather.  While on the bird, I assume the layers of them make the bird blue and the underside part of the overlap is black or dark gray.  I like the white tip on it.

The natural surroundings make for a better backdrop for the feather than the created one by me in the top photo. I haven't been seeing bluejays around for a while so one must be out there and it did shed a feather. The dark part of the feather does make the blue to be so much more bright in color.


Valerie said...

I would love to see a blue jay. We get a lot of the black and white ones but never blue. They seem to shed a lot of feathers.

Jeevan said...

Great perspective on its feather... with just one part being blue, how nature makes them appear almost blue is amazing!

Fern Leafed Peony...