Monday, August 21, 2017

Timid but Hungry......

I was sneaking around to get a shot and my motion would scare them away quickly.  I had my doubts at first that I would ever get a shot.  While my wife and I sat out on the deck Sunday afternoon we could see the hummingbird wars going on, as they chased each other out of the zinnia patch. I doubt I ever get a shot of one on a zinnia but it is fun to see them feeding there.

So last evening and this morning I was able to get some shots. I end up peaking around the edge of a window at a pretty close range.  I forget that the feeder is at a second story level abut that doesn't seem to bother them at all. We do look down from the back though and see them fly all their maneuvers.  I did see them trying to get nectar from the blooms on the basil herbs. I have yet to see one with a red band on its neck but there is still time.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Great shots!

Jeevan said...

wow! superb capture and glad you able to shoot them... nice detail


 I marked some hostas for a friend to let her know which ones she can get new starts from for har new garden spot.